
Tag Archives | Alana Grace

Album Review: Nobody Is Ok By This Is She

Well, this is a little change of pace from the music we primarily focus on at FOCUS on the 615, which is usually country.  However, good music is just good music and if it’s coming out of Nashville, we will let you know about it if it catches our ears!

This Is She is a rock/pop/electronic/dance band based out of Los Angeles, California with a Nashville connection in lead singer, Alana Grace.  I’ve written about Alana as a solo artist, then when she was part of the group: TOY, now part of This Is She that is made up of 3 of the 4 members from TOY.  Ok, confused already? Don’t be! Just a name change, but same type music if you enjoyed TOY.

This Is She was introduced to a large Nashville audience most recently during the 4th of July celebration at Riverfront Park last month where they were met with rave reviews.  Their music can best be described as a mix of darkly-influenced melodies & lyrics blended with pop, rock, electronic, and dance influences.  You’ll even hear a little dubstep in the mix from time to time.  Led by Alana Grace whose vocals are most reminiscent of Amy Lee from Evanescence.  She is joined by lead guitarist, Christian Paul Meadows, and Ryan Folden on drums, who were both formerly of the band, After Midnight Project.

Check out their video below that was recently featured on the MTV Buzzworthy site:

With their debut EP release entitled Nobody Is Ok, you’ll find a mix of hauntingly-beautiful clear vocals mixed with the darkly-rooted melodies & lyrical themes intertwined with the pulsating constant rhythms, electronic additions/textures, and ambitious guitar licks.  This is not your bubblegum pop, but something that is more refined and geared towards an audience that wants a little more than just a simply good dance beat and simple lyrics that seem to dominate so much of the pop charts lately.  For example, they would not appeal to the same audience that enjoys “Call Me Maybe”.  I would say that a college crowd would be more attuned and appreciative of their music.

My favorite off the album is “Disobey”.  It’s dark, edgy, uptempo with a constant driving rhythm. This one has me hitting the repeat button often.

Check This Is She out at their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thisisshemusic and you can buy their music on iTunes.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

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TOY: THE Band To Watch! A Closer Look @ TOY: Episode 4

Here’s the final episode featuring TOY here on Focus on the 615 “A Closer Look @ TOY” features live performance clips from here in Nashville at the Mercy Lounge during Jingle Ball on December 5th, 2011, along with an interview to get to know the band better! Be sure to watch the video below!

Trust me on this, THIS IS THE BAND TO WATCH! They are going places and you can be one of the first to discover their music.  Head to their website: www.toymusicbox.com to find out more and hear more great music by TOY!

Also, see these other related articles:


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A Closer Look @ TOY: Episode 3

TOYHere’s the 3rd episode in the continuing interview series about pop/rock band, TOY, entitled “A Closer Look @ TOY”.  Featuring live performance clips along with the video interview.

Find out more about TOY at: www.toymusicbox.com.

See these other related articles about TOY:



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A Closer Look @ TOY: Episode 2

TOYWell, I’m on a roll lately and pumping out these articles. Let’s continue with the video series “A Closer Look @ TOY”! I think you’ll like this pop/rock band.  You’ll have to forgive my camerawork during the interview part.  I couldn’t seem to keep it steady! lol

Anyway, check out TOY in the video below.  Also, find their website  at: www.toymusicbox.com and interact with them on their Facebook page, too: www.facebook.com/officialtoymusic

Related articles:



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Album Review: TOY’s Self-Titled Debut Release

Hands down across all genres, my absolute favorite album of the year is this debut release from newly-formed pop/rock band,  TOY.  It has literally NOT left my car cd player since I got it Monday night until now when I have to look at it to make sure that I’ve got everything right from it for this review.

Rarely does an album come along that grabs you and takes hold of you like this one! How do I begin to describe it and do it the justice that it deserves? If you take the best parts of Evanescence, Lady Gaga, and Florence & The Machine, then created something new and original from those musical influences, you would then have TOY.  At least, what I think best describes them! They are high energy, dance, rock, pop, electronic with a dark, edgy sound.

TOY is comprised of 4 members: Alana Grace (lead vocals, guitar, keys), Spencer Bastian (guitar, bass, vocals), Christian Meadows (lead guitar), and Ryan Folden (drums).   For more in-depth information on TOY, please see this article: http://focusonthe615.com/2011/12/10/a-closer-look-toy-episode-1-and-welcome-matt-williams-to-the-site/

All songs on the album are original and written by TOY.

Full Track List:

1) “Uh Oh”:  This one put me most in mind of Lady Gaga, but they aren’t trying to imitate.  Uptempo, dancy, edgy.

2) “Ghost”:  Dark, uptempo, and my favorite lyrically.  One of my favorites overall.  I can listen to this one over and over without tiring.

3) “Give It To Me”: Again, uptempo, high energy…another that I don’t tire of hearing.  Best listened to in the car where you can crank if WAY up and not disturb the neighbors!

4) “Music Box”:  Dark, melodic, and hard rock edginess at it’s best.

5) “Traffic Signs”:  This one starts with a lot of electronic adds and build-up to the actual song. Very dark and edgy.  Almost a tribal sound.  Enthralling–lyrically and musically.

6) “Flying High”:  My absolute favorite off this album! Uptempo, electronic, dance, rock…builds up to a frenzy.  Even better live! Watch the video of this below and listen to the crowd being built into a frenzy midway through as they scream with excitement.

7) “Night Hunters”:  This one makes me want to get up and dance.  Seriously, there’s not a weak one on the album.  Not one!

The only downside for me was I wanted MORE than 7 songs on this album.  It’s just that good! It left me wanting much more and I want to see them live again soon.  They are riveting, charismatic, high energy, and a breath of fresh air.  If you like pure and powerful vocals mixed with excellent musicianship, deep & thought-provoking writing, then TOY is for you! THIS is a band that is better experienced live.  The album is GREAT, the live show will blow you away! It is like a tidal wave of energy flowing over the room when they take the stage.  Your attention will be captured and held until they leave the stage, which you don’t want to happen.  This band is going places!

Anyway, my point is GET THE ALBUM! Request it from their site and if they come to a town near you, GO! You won’t be disappointed! Enough said.

For more information and to connect with TOY, please go to their website at: www.toymusicbox.comYou can also find them on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/officialtoymusic

Rated 5 out of 5 stars.  An absolute must-have!

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A Closer Look @ TOY: Episode 1 And Welcome Matt Williams To The Site

TOYTOY–This newly-formed pop/rock band kicks butt and if I described them any other way, I wouldn’t be doing them justice!

I would describe their music as dark, edgy, rock, dance, and electronic all rolled into one. They’ve got a sound all their own led by the pure, soaring, ethereal vocals of Alana Grace (reminiscent of Amy Lee of Evanescence) and backed by 3/4 of the members of After Midnight Project, who are high energy, charismatic and skilled musicians. The blending of the 4 members that form TOY creates a sound that is truly unique, high energy, and one that is best experienced live for the full effect!

Focus on the 615 recently caught up with TOY, who are based out of Los Angeles, for a show at Mercy Lounge for the BMI “Jingle Ball”.  See what they have to say and hear some clips from the show in the video below.  Come back next week to hear more!

Also, I can’t think of a better time to introduce Matt Williams to our Focus on the 615 readers/viewers! Matt has just joined Focus on the 615 as marketing director, but will also be an on-air interviewer, as well as, a contributing writer here.  I’m excited to have Matt on-board with us! He brings enthusiasm, professionalism, and a fresh perspective to the site.  I only see great things coming as a result of the addition of Matt to Focus on the 615!  You’ll see him interviewing TOY in the video below!

Find out all about them right here in this exclusive interview with Focus on the 615!

Related article: http://focusonthe615.com/2011/12/12/album-review-toys-self-titled-debut-release-toy/

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Check Out TOY And Their Video Featuring Footage From Their Recent Tour To Iraq

You are probably wondering why exactly I’m writing about Los Angeles-based rock band, TOY, on here since this is a blog about Nashville, but this band definitely has a Nashville connection and, most importantly, they ROCK! They definitely belong right here on Focus on the 615 where we feature only the best!

Continue Reading →

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