
Song Review: Billy Gilman | “Say You Will”

Billy GilmanFormer child country star Billy Gilman makes a comeback with his new single “Say You Will.” At 12 years old, he became a multi-platinum selling and Grammy nominated artist. Now, he’s 26 and ready to take on the industry with a new perspective.

“Say You Will” is the perfect song for Gilman to return with because it demonstrates how he has matured as an individual and artist. Lyrically, it reminds listeners that he isn’t a little boy anymore. It interprets literally as a love song, but it could also be a call to action for his fans. “Say you will wade out into the water, breathe in, breathe out with me” sounds like a request to join him on his new endeavor as he revives his music career.

“Say You Will” opens with a beautiful piano introduction, which lasts throughout the song. The violins added toward the middle tie in nicely with the lyrics and build to the climax.

Gilman wrote this song with Dan Murph and Philip Douglas and recorded it at Quad Studios in Nashville with some of the musicians who played on his earlier work.

His last album released in 2006, but he’s been working hard since then. Gilman spent the downtime between Nashville and his native Rhode Island studying music by working alongside songwriters, engineers and musicians.

I’m excited to see Gilman back in the music scene, and I think this song speaks wonders about his goals and direction as an artist.  So “say you will” check out Gilman’s comeback single and “don’t let your lips be still.” Sing along!

Twitter: @bg524

Rated 4 out of 5 stars.

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One Response to Song Review: Billy Gilman | “Say You Will”

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