
Song Review: Maggie Rose | “Girl In Your Truck Song”

Maggie-Rose-Girl-in-Your-Truck-SongMaggie Rose delivers a clever and catchy tune with her new song “Girl In Your Truck Song”.

She makes clever use of popular lyrics from many “bro-country” songs like “get your shine on”, “cruise”, “hop on in and slide over”, and many more threaded throughout the song.  You will find yourself listening over and over just to see how many “bro-country” song lyrics you can pick out! Aside from that fun aspect, you will want to listen again simply because it’s a catchy mid-tempo tune sung by a very talented vocalist. 

Produced by Grammy award-winning producer, Brian Kennedy (Kelly Clarkson, Rihanna) and hit songwriter Dallas Davidson (Luke Bryan, Brad Paisley), who has written many of those “bro-country” songs that have become huge hits.  As Rose gears up to record her next project, the three will continue to collaborate together.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars. 


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One Response to Song Review: Maggie Rose | “Girl In Your Truck Song”

  1. Bob Curro July 29, 2014 at 7:47 am #

    This review is right on! Maggie Rose has been such an infusion of talent into Country since arriving on the scene with her cover of “Use Somebody”. To listen to her “Cut to Impress” album with true country ballads such as the hits like “Better”, “Preacher’s Daughter” and the sassy “Ain’t Your Momma” and then hear this song is pure pleasure. She can sing and knows how to mix ’em up as well!

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