
Tag Archives | stolen



What would you do if someone STOLE your most valuable possessions?  

Zane Williams wrote them a song and shared it on social media!

Country music singer/songwriter Zane Williams and his band fell prey to a random act of “unkindness” this weekend when they stopped for lunch just outside of Houston, TX.  The musicians’ van and the trailer full of equipment and instruments were stolen from the parking lot of the restaurant where they had stopped for a bite to eat.   In true Zane Williams fashion, the prolific songwriter penned a tune speaking directly to the thieves and posted his calm, yet stern, acoustic delivery on his social media pages.  We have been informed that the trailer has been located and recovered, but the van containing some heirloom instruments remains stolen.   

You can see and hear Zane’s performance here:  https://youtu.be/2DicXacaBtI

Please help us support Zane and the band by sharing this release. 


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