
Tag Archives | Josh Abbott Band

Josh Abbott Welcomes New Baby

Josh Abbott of Josh Abbott Band and his girlfriend, Taylor Parnell, welcomed Emery Farryn Abbott on Friday.

Born Friday, May 5, around 1 a.m. in Austin, Texas, Emery Farryn Abbott weighed 6 lbs., 13 oz., and measured 19 inches long.

The name Emery Farryn means “brave adventure.” “We wanted to do something similar with a girl name to how my brother named his daughter Eisley Dawn, which means ‘Cheerful Beginnings’…The word ‘brave’ is a word I used to describe Taylor in a song I wrote for her, ‘I’m Your Only Flaw,’ on the new album coming out this year,’ said Abbott.

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Show Review: Josh Abbott Band @ Exit/In

Josh Abbot Band

FOCUS was recently invited to attend the Josh Abbott Band show at Exit/In.  This is another band that is new to us at the site and we appreciated the invitation to see them perform.

Josh Abbott Band hails from the great state of Texas bringing with them that unmistakable Texas sound blended with contemporary country music.  Great musicianship mixed with equally great stage presence, provided a night of great music that seemed to be enjoyed by all! It was a packed crowd in there.  From the moment they took the stage, the crowd was completely captivated by them–singing along and dancing to the music.

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Josh Abbott Band Sorority Spirit Contest Met With Overwhelming Response Nationwide

Contest Sponsored By Dior Cosmetics, Kendra Scott Jewelry And Gigi’s Cupcakes 

Josh Abbott BandThe second annual JAB Sorority Spirit Contest is in FULL swing. Sponsored by Dior Cosmetics, Kendra Scott Jewelry and Gigi’s Cupcakes, the contest has been met with overwhelming response from sorority chapters across the nation.

Immediately following the kick off Josh began receiving over 160 tweets an hour from coast to coast. Chapters have registered from the East including Tampa Florida and Pennsylvania State University; and from the West including University of Oregon and Northern Arizona University. Likewise, chapters have come in from the South including Louisiana State University and Texas Tech and from the North including University of Wisconsin – Madison.

Prizes to include a Josh Abbott Band performance, $10,000 in award money to the winning houses philanthropy as well as prizes from Dior Cosmetics, Kendra Scott Jewelry and Gigi’s Cupcakes.

Link to the contest: http://www.jabspirit.com

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