Grand Opening May 30th in Downtown Nashville
“One piece at a time,” The Johnny Cash Museum (JCM) has culminated into an amazing celebration of The Man in Black. JCM will celebrate its Grand Opening with a day full of prizes and limited time offers to fans and patrons on Thursday, May 30th. Located at 119 Third Avenue South between Demonbreun and Broadway, the museum is en route between the tourist circulated Broadway strip and the Country Music Hall of Fame and Schermerhorn Symphony Center.
Founder, Bill Miller says the museum is the culmination of a lifelong dream. “I became a Johnny Cash fan of at the age of nine in 1969. I collected everything relating to him I could get my hands on. As time went on, I met Johnny many times and we became close friends. Over the years, he and many of his friends and associates contributed to the collection and I scoured the world for important pieces. This museum is our tribute to the greatest man I’ve ever known.”
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