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Average Joes Entertainment Releases First Holiday Collection An Average Joes Muddy Christmas

Featuring Colt Ford, The LACS, Montgomery Gentry, John Anderson and More

An Average Joe's Muddy ChristmasAverage Joes Entertainment’s first holiday collection, An Average Joes Muddy Christmas, part of the Mud Digger album series, is now available at Walmart, Best Buy, FYE and all online retail outlets for $9.99.  An Average Joes Muddy Christmas was produced by the label’s own Shannon “Fat Shann” Houchins and features holiday classics and original songs from Average Joes’ artists including Colt Ford, The LACS, Montgomery Gentry, as well as John Anderson and more.

From Colt Ford’s, “Home For Christmas,” a song from Colt’s heart about slowing down and being thankful for family & friends, to The LACS’ lighthearted “Santa in a 4-Wheel Drive,” which finds Santa’s sleigh slingin’ in the Mud, to the timeless classic, “Do You Hear What I Hear,” by Josh Gracin, “An Average Joes Muddy Christmas” offers a diverse collection of holiday songs.

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