
Tag Archives | Dog of the Day

The McCrary Sisters, The Kicks Bring the House Down at Musicians Corner

Marc Scibilia and Umbrella Tree Round Out a Fantastic Lineup on Saturday in Centennial Park

On Saturday, Musicians Corner almost looked like it wouldn’t take place about half an hour before show time. Despite a great weather forecast, the heavens opened at 2:30 and it monsooned on Centennial Park. The power was shut off and volunteers ran for cover. Yet somehow, at 2:50 the skies cleared, the power was turned back on and we were back in business for a great afternoon full of music.

Musicians Corner

To kick off the day was special guest Steve Moakler. He played two acoustic songs, including his “first attempt at a country song,” and got the crowd warmed up for Marc Scibilia. Marc also played acoustically to serenade the crowd with his alternative bluesy style. He brought up the second special guest of the day, music dynamo Tommy Sims.

First up on the Lightning 100 Acoustic Stage was MC’s own Kristen Wright singing beautiful songs from her newest album “In the Year of Letting Go.” Following Kristen on the main stage were The McCrary Sisters who absolutely took us to church. The three sisters (there are normally four, but one unfortunately could not make it) had everyone clapping and standing with their powerful gospel music.

The Kicks

After a beautiful Spring Quartet by Benjamin Chakoran Jones on the Acoustic Stage and the coveted Dog of the Day award, Umbrella Tree took the stage. This duo is nothing if not exciting to watch with their unique sound and energetic personalities.

The final Acoustic Stage act of the day was Poly, who played what can only be described as “happy music.” Then to close out the day were rockers The Kicks. The Kicks were actually supposed to play last season at Musicians Corner, but were forced to cancel due to illness. Boy was the crowd happy to have them back! Mixing classic, old school rock style with modern rock sensibilities and three-piece harmonies, these guys are superb. Think Rolling Stones meets Boston with an alternative twist.

Aside from the freak rain storm right beforehand, the day turned out perfect and sunny. Let’s hope it stays that way for next weekend when Andy Davis, Heypenny, Star and Micey, and Us and Our Daughters take the stage.

Musicians Corner is a non-profit program of The Conservancy for the Parthenon & Centennial Park. The spring season of runs every Saturday through June, and promises more great artists, special guests and fun activities. For additional information and the entire spring schedule please visit www.musicianscornernashville.com.

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The Secret is Out on Musicians Corner’s 3rd Season!

Record Crowd Packs Centennial Park for the Spring Season Kickoff

Musicians Corner

A record crowd packs Centennial Park for the free music on Saturday May 5

Maybe it was because of Cinco de Mayo, maybe it was because of the beautiful day, or maybe it was because Musicians Corner is just an awesome weekly event, but one thing was for certain at the first show of the spring season on Saturday… Musicians Corner’s popularity is growing FAST.

Over 1,400 people showed up to the Musicians Corner concert, which will take place each Saturday until the end of June in Centennial Park. And what a concert it was! With new amenities such as a Beer & Wine Garden, this promises to be a season to remember.

The day started off with the group Escondido, a groovy new duo. Following them was the young, talented trio Punchinello on the Lightning 100 Acoustic Stage.

That’s when yours truly hopped on stage (pardon me for the shameless plug). It was a special event that I wanted to commemorate and share with 1,400 of my closest friends. It was my mom’s birthday, so I got to wish her a happy birthday from the Musicians Corner stage. My family and some friends made it all the way down from Pennsylvania to spend the weekend with me, and I couldn’t have been happier. Happy birthday agin mom, love you!

Ok, back to the show. To celebrate the Cinco de Mayo festivities, MC next featured Latin Salsa by Afinke. It was hard to keep the crowd seated and still for this band, who was sporting a huge brass section. Representing the acoustic stage after that was Rayvon Owen, with a smooth voice and killer falsetto.

Friends of Musicians Corner Amy Stroup and Trent Dabbs took to the main stage next as their new duo Sugar & the Hi Lows. Each has graced the MC stage as solo artists, yet they are truly a joy to listen to together, even covering the Tina Turner classic Rollin’ on the RiverAnderson East was the final Acoustic Stage act of the day and, utilizing nothing but his guitar, swooned the crowd with his unique style.

Mayor Karl Dean and Paul Worley at Musicians Corner

Mayor Karl Dean and Esteemed Record Producer Paul Worley at Musicians Corner on May 5

After the coveted Dog of the Day Award, there was a historic event that took place. No, I don’t mean the return of the Fisk Jubilee Singers, who haven’t performed in Centennial Park in 115 years…. I mean the fact that no less than 4 people introduced them.

John Tumminello, Musicians Corner’s Executive Director took the stage first to introduce Grammy-Award-winning record producer Paul Worley. He then introduced our wonderful Mayor Karl Dean, who introduced the band’s director, who in turn introduced the band itself.

However, we must thank both Mayor Dean and Mr. Worley for their ongoing support of Musicians Corner and for the Nashville music community as a whole. We can’t say enough about these gentlemen!

And although the quadruple-introduction was an unprecedented event, let that not diminish the true history that was made at Musicians Corner. The last time the Fisk Jubilee Singers performed in Centennial Park was for President William McKinnley during the Centennial Exhibition… in 1897! You can read more about this historic event in this wonderful article from The Tennessean.

The singers haven’t changed their style or their music since their formation in 1871. It is still traditional, beautiful choir music. And the Musicians Corner crowd stuck around to hang on their every word.

The Fisk Jubilee Singers at Musicians Corner

The Fisk Jubilee Singers at performed in Centennial Park for the first time since the Centennial Exhibition in 1897

Musicians Corner is a non-profit program of The Conservancy for the Parthenon & Centennial Park. The spring season of runs every Saturday through June, and promises more great artists, special guests and fun activities. For additional information and the entire spring schedule please visit www.musicianscornernashville.com.

Be sure to check out Musicians Corner on:

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