
Tag Archives | Ashley Gorley

Ashley Gorley Named Songwriter of the Year at 52nd Annual ASCAP Country Music Awards

imageThe American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) hosted the 52nd Annual ASCAP Country Music Awards on Monday, November 3rd in the Grand Ballroom of Nashville’s Music City Center. The writers of country music’s most performed songs of the period between April 2013 and March 2014 were honored before an audience of distinguished Nashville songwriters, top country stars and music industry leaders. Special tribute was paid to Alan Jacksonand songwriter Craig Wiseman, who were each presented with the ASCAP Heritage Award in commemoration of ASCAP’s 100th anniversary.

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[Video] Joe Nichols’ #1 Party For “Yeah”

Joe Nichols #1 partyNicki D. and FOCUS on the 615 catch up with Joe NicholsAshley Gorley, and Bryan Simpson, at the #1 party taking place at CMA headquarters for “Yeah”. Continue Reading →

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