Tag Archives | Always Remember

Album Review: Julie Ingram’s ‘Always Remember’

Well, when I first got this cd in the mail the first thing that struck me was the cd cover, but not in a good way.  It put me in mind of one of those ads that you see late at night for singles lines or something along those lines since Julie Ingrams pictured in a nightie across the cover.  The pictures inside the cd case or even on the back are much better and would have been a better choice, in my opinion.  I’m a very visual person and it just was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the cd, so I didn’t really even want to listen to it since the word that came to mind was “cheesy”.  But, I decided to be open-minded and look past the cover to see what’s inside.  I might really enjoy the music.  You can’t judge a book by its cover, but the cover should always be taken very seriously because it’s the first impression and often the deciding factor whether to purchase or not.

I did enjoy “Big Dog In Dallas”.  It was a fun, uptempo song.  It wasn’t great, though, but better than the others on the album.  It was the only song that I enjoyed on this cd.

I’m going to be honest and really not intentionally trying to be mean, but I just did not care for this album at all.  The vocals were moderate to weak, the production was fair to pretty good, the songs weren’t radio-friendly, catchy or emotional, and overall seemed very dated to me.   I just didn’t like it at all and can not recommend it.  I think the clincher for me was the bonus track, which was 6 seconds of a dog barking.  Not a great way to end an album…

Sorry, Julie, this is nothing personal, I just have to be completely honest for the sake of our readers.  I do wish you the best of luck with your career, but I’m just not a fan of this particular release.  Maybe someone who has a little more appreciation for traditional country would enjoy the album a little more than me, but I just wasn’t feeling it.

Rated 1 out of 5 stars.



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