
Jordan Davis Celebrates First #1 Song “Singles You Up” At Fat Bottom Brewery

Pictured (l-r): Songwriter Steven Dale Jones, songwriter-artist Jordan Davis and songwriter Justin Ebach. Photo: Peyton Hoge

As “Singles You Up” (written with Steven Dale Jones and Justin Ebach) currently garners 200,000,000 streams, it is the most played song by a male artist on country radio in 2018 thus far and gains such quick momentum for a debut release, Jordan Davis is proving that he is one to watch with the success of his first UMG/MCA released project “Home State”, produced by Paul DiGiovanni.


The Louisiana native moved to Nashville with the hopes of being a songwriter, not necessarily wanting to be in the spotlight as an artist. Davis paid his dues, working as a bartender while building his catalog and seeking a publishing deal, ultimately securing a recording contract with Universal Music Group in 2016.
Davis continues to tour this summer extensively into the fall with Jake Owen and Chris Janson. When asked what he has gained through the experience, his response was: “I am always learning and standing on the side of the stage watching and taking notes, looking to see how I can make my live show better”.


Focus On The 615 asked Davis who his dream collaboration would be with, especially having the leverage of a #1 song on the charts. His answer was quick and confident:


“John Prine. I respect him so much! I came to Nashville as a songwriter first. John Prine is a storyteller and his career is one that I respect to the core”.


With Jordan Davis continuing to make his mark as an artist and songwriter, his goal to work with John Prine could possibly become a reality. That balance of authenticity and catering to country radio is one that Davis seems to easily combine. A combination destined for longevity in a constantly changing music climate.

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