


With cold weather approaching, Nashville-based Room In The Inn and Founder, Charles Strobel, celebrate the 30th winter season of providing the homeless shelter and meals throughout Middle Tennessee. With the aid of more than 190 congregations and 6,500 volunteers, over 1,000 unhoused persons will have a place to stay through the program this season. As many continue to show support, the 16th Annual Nashville Unlimited Christmas Concert will take place tonight (12/15) featuring Emmylou Harris, Three Ring Circle and other surprise guests at Christ Church Cathedral, as all proceeds directly support Room In The Inn. For more information on the show or to make contributions visit RoomInTheInn.org.

“I first became aware of Room In the Inn in 1992, while looking for a charity to donate money generated by our Christmas concerts and recordings,” shares Nashville Unlimited host and organizer Dave Pomeroy. “Twenty-three years later, I can truthfully say that what I have learned from the example set by Charlie Strobel and everyone who works for this incredible organization, has changed my life. I have a much greater awareness of the moral and social issues that Room In The Inn addresses head on every day of the year, and the countless lives they have changed in a positive way, and I am a much better person for it.”

365 days a year, Room In The Inn offers emergency services, transitional programs, and long-term solutions to help people rebuild the lives of those in need. The 45,000 square foot building offers permanent supportive housing and continues to support those as they rejoin the workforce, seek education, and work with partner agencies.  The organization works with an emphasis on one-on-one relationships and a commitment to serving all those who call the streets of Nashville home.

Room In The Inn encourages churches as well as individuals to volunteer, and more information can be found at www.Roomintheinn.org.

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