
Award Winning Documentary “Alive Inside” Comes to Nashville


On Tuesday December 1,2015 ( #GivingTuesday ) Filmmaker, MRB, is presenting the Sundance winning documentary Alive Inside at the Nashville Palace with an important mission in mind, to support the work of the Alive Inside Foundation’s Adopt an Elder / Build a Bridge Inter-Generational Education Program – their mission is to create connection between generations , to bring joy to elders, provide hope & relief to Caregivers, instill empathy & compassion in our youth by providing them with a chance to do meaningful work that can change the life of another human being.

As our population continues to age and more and more people will be affected by Alzheimer’s and other & Dementias. Until a cure is found we must do what we can to impact the lives of these elders and their caregivers, today they number in the millions. The Alive Inside Foundation is inspiring whole communities to band together to make a difference in a way never tried before.

Prior to the screening of the film we will feature a Special Performance by Taylor Loren. Taylor’s touching new song ,“Her Soul” was written to describe her own personal feelings about her grandmother’s battle with Alzheimer’s & how it affects the “Secondary” victims of this disease. All too often family & friends end up suffering silently as Dementia wages war on the mind & bodies of those they love.

Alive Inside won multiple awards throughout 2014 and 2015, including the Audience Award at Sundance Film Festival, and for good reason. Filmmaker Michael Rossato-Bennett calls his film, “-the only feel good film ever made about Alzheimer’s Disease!” The film not only brings to light the disconnection that happens for these elders as the disease progresses, but magically treats the audience to the sight of these seniors coming to life by the simple act of listening to music of their youth. The seniors sing, dance, truly come to life once again when they receive the music that speaks to their hearts, their pasts, and their stories. Sharing the idea of music as a transformative medical intervention with the world became Rossato-Bennett’s mission, “Music enters the mind like no other stimulus. Music is something we invented to connect to our own selves and to each other! Music connects us without words. I believe it contains our deepest wisdom, a wisdom we desperately need in this time!”

The film, and the team behind it, is aiming much higher than critical acclaim.

The Alive Inside Foundation is working to inspire youth and entire communities to bring music to elders. Teachers, pastors, and volunteers are banding together to recreate the magic seen in Alive Inside, to using music as a bridge and creating healing inter-generational connections. The results are transformative, with both the students, the communities and the elders benefiting.


The Adopt an Elder / Build a Bridge program is designed to increase empathy, and fight aging stereotypes, and is being implemented in churches, middle schools, high schools, and college classrooms. Using Music Detective Technology, the “Alive Inside” film, and a curriculum rooted in aging research and experiential activities, students use music to connect with seniors both with and without dementia. The program is an emotional and transformational experience for youth and community and leaves both empowered to make an impact on senior care.

The Alive Inside Foundation is bringing this exciting pilot program to cities in California, New York, Florida & Ohio and Nashville is next on the list.


The Alive Inside screening takes place at the Nashville Palace on Tuesday Dec. 1,2015

Tickets available in advance
Doors will open at 6 PM.

The audience will be treated to music from Taylor Loren, see the award winning documentary “Alive Inside”, and get a chance to speak with members of the Alive Inside Team

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