
What’s New? June Carter Cash Wildwood Flower Garden

June Carter Cash Wildwood FlowerOn June Carter Cash’s birthday, family members from both the Carter and Cash family plus the mayor of Nashville, Karl Dean, gathered at the beautiful Johnny Cash Museum in downtown Nashville to celebrate the unveiling of the June Carter Cash Wildwood Flower Garden created in June’s memory.

It was a scorching hot summer day in Nashville, but that didn’t stop all the invited guests to come out in droves to celebrate June Carter Cash’s birthday with a fitting tribute of a wildflower garden called June Carter Cash Wildwood Flower created in her memory in an enclosed outside space adjacent to the Johnny Cash Museum. Named after her last album, the space even includes a large bell that came from June’s own garden at her and Johnny’s house in Hendersonville. Guests were invited to ring that same bell that day as an homage to June on her birthday.

Check it out next time you’re in Nashville along with the Johnny Cash Museum!

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