
Album Review: Craig Campbell’s ‘Never Regret’

Craig Campbell‘Never Regret’ is the newest 12-song release from country artist Craig Campbell.  It is produced by Keith Stegall & Matt Rovey with Campbell co-writing 6 out the 12 songs on this album.

Craig’s smooth baritone voice is strong and undeniably country in the vein of artists like Chris Young and Jason Michael Carroll.

His style is that of a more traditional country sound that a lot of country fans yearn for.  Make no mistake, fans of traditional AND contemporary country alike will enjoy this new cd.  Well-structured songs that are easy to listen to with meaningful lyrics flow throughout this release.

My absolute favorite off this album is the mid-tempo “Outta My Head” in which he sings “I wish I could close my eyes and get you outta my head” about a former love that he can’t seem to get out of his head–something that all of us can relate to after a love is lost.  I was very moved by the soft piano-driven ballad that he co-wrote “When She Grows Up”, which gave me chill bumps throughout as he sings about the love that he has for his daughter –“what she sees in me, that’s what I want to be when she grows up”.  Another stand out for me is the title mid-tempo song “Never Regret” with its playful lyrics “before you make me do something I’ll never regret” as he sings about a possible new love and the sparks that could easily fly.

The whole album is solid and as I review it, I’m on my 3rd listen of the whole album.  It’s one of the strongest releases that I have heard in a while, and comes highly-recommended.

Rated 4 1/2 out of 5 stars.

Want to know more about the album and Craig Campbell?  Listen to the interview we had with Craig right HERE!

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