
Josh Abbott Band Sorority Spirit Contest Met With Overwhelming Response Nationwide

Contest Sponsored By Dior Cosmetics, Kendra Scott Jewelry And Gigi’s Cupcakes 

Josh Abbott BandThe second annual JAB Sorority Spirit Contest is in FULL swing. Sponsored by Dior Cosmetics, Kendra Scott Jewelry and Gigi’s Cupcakes, the contest has been met with overwhelming response from sorority chapters across the nation.

Immediately following the kick off Josh began receiving over 160 tweets an hour from coast to coast. Chapters have registered from the East including Tampa Florida and Pennsylvania State University; and from the West including University of Oregon and Northern Arizona University. Likewise, chapters have come in from the South including Louisiana State University and Texas Tech and from the North including University of Wisconsin – Madison.

Prizes to include a Josh Abbott Band performance, $10,000 in award money to the winning houses philanthropy as well as prizes from Dior Cosmetics, Kendra Scott Jewelry and Gigi’s Cupcakes.

Link to the contest: http://www.jabspirit.com

Contest Summary

PHASE 1: Creativity and Activity – Between October 29th and November 12th, sorority chapters will create content that shows your house’s JABSpirit: pictures, videos, songs, signs, costumes…whatever creative outlet you choose. Use your creative content to drive your friends and classmates to your House Page, and ask them to “Join” your page.

NOTE: We will be sending you a link to your house page on the evening of October 28th, so you can start promoting it on Monday morning.

PHASE 2: Finals Week – We will pick 10-15 chapters who had the most people “Join” their page, and who have demonstrated the most creativity. These houses will advance to the Finals Week, November 13-19. During Finals Week each Finalist House will have to submit a skit, via video, with a theme of our choosing. We will pick the grand prize winners based on creativity, entertainment value, and effort.

PHASE 3: The Showdown – All videos will be publicly displayed to raise awareness of your charities. The contest winners will be announced the week of November 19th


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