
Jerrod Niemann Heads Back To College

In an effort to Free The Music with his new album available Oct. 2, Jerrod Niemann is partnering with over 360 colleges and universities across the country, to present Rock Your Room.” The sweepstakes gives one lucky student over $700 of the latest SONY electronics and an exclusive live performance from Niemann in their dorm room. Also, fans can now go to his official site to pre-order exclusive merchandise bundles including a limited edition vinyl of Free the Music, blacklight poster, CD and more.

The grand prize winner of the “Rock Your Room”  sweepstakes will not only get a once-in-a-lifetime live performance from Niemann, but a 32” Sony Bravia Television, PS Vita Madden NFL 13 Bundle, 2GB W Series Walkman Meb Keflezighi and portable iPod + iPhone speaker. The first runner-up will receive an autographed CD and vinyl of Free The Music, a limited edition Free The Music drum head and 23″ by 35” black light poster. The following five runner-ups will each get an autographed copy of the album. “Rock Your Room” kicks off today and continues through Oct. 22, 2012.

Additionally, fans who log on now  through Oct. 2 to Niemann’s Official Music Store to pre-order exclusive merchandise bundles will also receive a FREE download of Niemann’s current single  “Shinin’ On Me,” which is Top 20 on Billboard and climbing.

To enter the “Rock Your Room”  sweepstakes, visit http://rockyourroom.jerrodniemannofficial.com.

Fans can encourage friends to apply by posting Jerrod’s shout-out video on social networks and also using the Twitter hashtag #FreeTheMusic.

For more on Jerrod Niemann including upcoming tour dates and exclusive sneak peeks of the making of his new album, visit www.JerrodNiemannOfficial.com and join his fan club: www.DehydrationNation.net.

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