Kayaking in Orlando by the Ritz Carlton Grande Lakes a few years ago. Day excursion available through the hotel. Photo credit: Patrice Majors
Well, I figured since I have also worked in travel as a travel agent for many years and have had the opportunity to travel to many different places around the world, it just seems only fitting to include travel with this site about entertainment. They definitely go hand & hand.

Room at the Ritz Carlton Grande Lakes Orlando. Photo credit: Patrice Majors
Travel is definitely a passion of mine, too. I love the opportunity to experience new cultures, food, and immerse myself into the surroundings. Thought I might share some travel tips and favorite spots I’ve traveled to, plus futuring travel adventures I’m planning along with photos I shoot.
Stay tuned for much more!! First up, as you might’ve guessed I will be writing about one of my favorite places to visit domestically: Orlando, Florida.

Part of the grounds outside of the Ritz Carlton Grande Lakes Orlando. Photo credit: Patrice Majors