
“Music Unites”
Online Benefit Concert For MusiCares®, 
Hosted By Cody Webb Friday, March 20, 2020 At 8/7c

Nashville, Tenn., (March 19, 2020)— With unprecedented cancellations affecting the music industry and impacting the livelihood of artists, songwriters, and the industry as a whole, singer/songwriter Cody Webb, in collaboration with his record label, Copperline Music Group, has coordinated “Music Unites,” a free online concert to benefit MusiCares®, live on Facebook,Friday, March 20, at 8/7c.  Webb along with Edwin McCain, James Otto, The Davisson Brothers, Hudson Moore, Big Vinny from Trailer Choir, Lewis Brice, Dean Miller and more, will join the live stream from their living rooms. View broadcast HERE.

“Artists are just not used to ‘social-distancing.’ We thrive on human interaction and performing for our fans,” explains Webb. “With all the concerts and events being canceled, I can’t count the number of conversations I’ve had with my fellow bandmates and industry friends on the uncertainty of our livelihood and future.  The fear is real and I could not think of a better way to connect and do something for the betterment of the whole and raise money for MusiCares.”

Earlier this week the Recording Academy and its affiliated charitable foundation, MusiCares®, announced the creation of the COVID-19 Relief Fund to help people in the music industry affected by the pandemic. This fund will be used to directly support those in the music community with the greatest need.

Compounding the economic effect on our friends and family is having to deal with the fear that comes from social isolation and the lack of personal interaction with others. Now more than ever, we need to find solutions to connect and support one another.

The “Music Unites” online benefit concert has a growing list of artists and songwriters set to perform 15-minute segments starting at 8/7c and continuing throughout the evening with no end time yet established.  A Facebook donate button connected to MusiCares® will be attached to the live stream or donate directly to https://www.grammy.com/MusiCares/CoronavirusReliefFun

View broadcast HERE.


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