
FOCUS Takes a Country Music Tour in the Chevy Volt

I’m excited to announce that today I will be partnering with Chevrolet to do a promo for the Chevy Volt! Here’s the deal:

Chevy approached FOCUS with a fun idea. Today they will hand me and my friend Hannah the keys to a Chevy Volt – the nation’s first plug-in electric vehicle with extended range – with the intent to visit all the country music hotspots in Nashville in preparation for CMA Music Fest. The idea is to see how many iconic country music stops we can make before the Volt’s battery runs out of juice.

We’ll be documenting everything, so stay tuned! And we’d love to keep up with you during our trip… any suggestions on where to go, what to see, or any other comments are more than welcome! Just follow @FOCUSonthe615 on twitter and use the hashtag #FOCUSonChevy. Looking forward to this little adventure!


Chevy Volt

2012 Chevy Volt

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