
Shame On You, Country Radio!

I have watched and I have held my tongue long enough about this subject.  WHY is country radio not playing and promoting more solo female artists? WHY do they not give these incredibly talented female solo artists, female duos, and female trios equal airplay like they give their male counterparts?

Female artists: solo, duos, and trios are being dropped from labels left and right because they aren’t selling as much as male artists.  This all goes directly back to they aren’t getting equal airplay as the male artists.   Airplay that means promotion that leads right back to album sales.  If they are never heard or heard very little, how can they be expected to sell albums and show tickets? WHY is this??? Most female artists can sing CIRCLES around most of the male artists out there.  You know this is true! I can run down a complete list right now and prove my point. Stop being a “good ole boys club”, country radio!

Why am I so frustrated about this? Because I know some of these female artists that have been dropped from labels or that are struggling to be heard on country radio, that’s why!

Now, there are some supportive radio stations and DJs out there, but for the most part, country radio is being run by these large companies and people at the actual radio stations have no say in the playlist.  It gets decided for them.  There are a handful of completely independent stations out there, but sadly, most of the large radio stations are owned by a large company like Clear Channel, who owns most of the radio stations out there and they are dominating the market–controlling it.

All I’m saying is give the female artists in country music EQUAL airplay and let their music be heard! Let your listening audiences decide if they like them and give them a chance to succeed.  Until you do that, I will just say “shame on you, country radio” because it’s wrong and you know it!!


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