
Don’t Mix Music And Politics, Hank

You would think by now artists would realize that it’s never a good idea to mix music and politics, especially if you’re saying it on tv or in front of a large audience of concert goers.

Hank Williams Jr sure got himself in some hot water recently comparing Obama to Hitler on “Fox and Friends”.  Today on “The View”, he couldn’t have looked more ignorant as he tried to explain his point.  Seriously, if you can’t explain your point well and admit on tv that you aren’t that intelligent, you shouldn’t be trying to explain your point at all.  Let someone else do the talking for you like a publicist.  That’s what they’re paid for.

Bottom line is politics are ALWAYS going to be a hot topic.  Just like talking religion.  So, if you are prepared to reap the consequences and get yourself in hot water, go ahead and start shooting off at the mouth about these things.  Just ask Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks, who single-handedly destroyed her and her bandmates’ careers with one simple political statement.

I think the problem just comes down to pure arrogance.  Thinking that one can say or do whatever they want without reaping some consequences, then not being willing to apologize for it.  I don’t care HOW famous you are, there are always consequences and the higher up you are or think you are, the farther and harder the fall.  It’s a free country to say what you want, but don’t be surprised when you have a backlash against you for doing so.

My piece of advice? Avoid political talk at all costs.  Music and politics just don’t mix.  Heck, political talk will get ANYONE in trouble really quick.  I don’t care who you are.


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