
Tag Archives | Stealing Angels

The Grape Stomp: Stompin’ It Out In Franklin

Grape stomping team “I Kissed A Grape And I Liked It”

The Grape Stomp has to be one of my favorite events to be part of this year.  Seriously, who doesn’t like to attend an outdoor wine festival on a beautiful autumn day enjoying some great music for a good cause?

This fun event started with a fun grape stomping competition by teams that each dressed in costumes.  My personal favorite was the grape stomping team of “I Kissed A Grape And I Liked It” — featuring, you guessed it, almost Russell Brand with 4 almost Katy Perry’s! The grape stomping winning team was the “Zin-ful Pleasures” who are a group of Recovery Room nurses from Williamson Medical Center.

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Congratulations To Stealing Angels’ Tayla Lynn And Husband, Jon Cody Finger, On Birth Of Baby

Congratulations going out to Stealing Angels’ Tayla Lynn (granddaughter of Loretta Lynn) and her husband, Jon Cody Finger, on the the birth of their son, Tru, in Nashville on August 3rd, 2012!

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Song Review: Stealing Angels’ “Little Blue Sky”

Stealing Angels — In one word, I don’t think I could describe them.  Not adequately! Country fans, this new trio is amazing and one of my very favorite new acts out there! If you don’t know them or aren’t listening to them, then you should GET to know them.  Why the heck aren’t you? Because you’re missing out! REALLY missing out! I’m telling you. Don’t hear them on the radio much because too much Taylor Swift is being played? Well, check out iTunes, their website at: www.stealingangels.com or just find them on Facebook! There is GREAT music out there to be found if you just look for it.  You will love them! They will make you laugh and you can’t help but love them if you meet them in-person or just watch their videos.  They are real and they’re what country music needs.  This is a group with pure, raw, natural talent oozing from them.  When they take the stage, you will be drawn into the enthusiasm, the energy….they just have IT!  How do you describe IT and where does IT come from? You either have IT or you don’t! Stealing Angels has IT in DROVES and if you know what’s good for you, you’ll start listening to them, too!

Stealing Angels are Caroline Cutbirth, Jennifer Wayne, and Tayla Lynn.

Their new single “Little Blue Sky” is at radio right now and you can find it on iTunes.  This mid-tempo song is hopeful, endearing, and grabs right at your heart.   The blending of their 3 voices is absolutely beautiful on this song, especially.  Well done, Stealing Angels!

Rated 5 out of 5 stars.


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