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Video Premiere Of “Shattered Glass” By Brett Sheroky

Watch this video premiere from new country artist Brett Sheroky with the debut of his song & video “Shattered Glass” here on FOCUS on the 615.  We think you’ll like his music as much as we do!

About Brett Sheroky 

Originally from a small suburb just across the water from St. Louis, Missouri, Brett Sheroky made the move to Nashville the day after his wedding in 2009 at the request of his wife to pursue his dreams.

Leaving his past of playing in pop/rock bands behind, Brett knew the Nashville scene wasn’t going to be easy, but some unexpected news made things a bit harder for Brett throughout his early years in town. Brett was diagnosed with Cancer in November of 2009, just a few short months before making his move to Nashville. Seemingly putting his music on hold to some and spending his months undergoing chemotherapy, Brett was doing anything but resting. With any energy he had left from treatment and the frustrations of trying to start a family with his wife (which doctors said they would never be able to do), Brett devoted his time to perfecting his craft. “I take a lot of pride in my songwriting. I want to be known as a guy that writes a song. Not a guy that puts words to music.” And boy can this guy write a song. His talent has been recognized by songwriters throughout Nashville, as well as some “higher ups.” Despite Brett’s sole focus on being strictly a writer in town for the last seven years, he has recently signed a production deal with Torrez Music Group and has been working tirelessly to finish the project. It’s not easy when you’re working two jobs trying to provide for a family at home while simultaneously attempting to make a splash in the music industry. That’s right, I said family.”

Brett Sheroky lives cancer-free out in Bellevue with his three little girls and his wife, Christy, and makes daily trips to Nashville to write, work, and record. His self-titled debut album is due out Summer 2017, and with songs like “Alcoholiday,” it’s bound to not leave your speaker system.

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