Photo credit: John Russell
A week ago today, July 21st, I had the pleasure of seeing the fabulous Shania Twain play to a capacity crowd at Bridgestone Arena in downtown Nashville for her NOW tour.
The 52-year-old Canadian superstar hasn’t missed a beat and shines just as brightly as she ever did in her prime.

Photo credit: John Russell
Twain is strong and determined, as she was able to overcome difficult personal struggles between the demise of her first marriage and problems with her voice due to lyme disease. The result is a more mature and resilient woman determined to create a better future after experiencing such hardship. However, Shania grew up under very humble circumstances, so she knows how to survive any difficulty while coming out of it even stronger.
During the concert when she would speak of a personal song she wrote from her most recent album, NOW, you could not help but hear the emotion in her voice and knew this was all coming from the heart.
As she made her assent to the main stage to begin her concert, the excitement of the crowd was palpable as she walked through the crowd greeting fans with security around her while her drummer stood on the small second stage playing drums to build the excitement in the arena.
When she finally got on the stage, she asked the crowd if they were ready to which she got a deafening, excited response from the enthusiastic crowd. The curtain pulled back and the stage lit up revealing background singers and dancers. The opening song was an upbeat tune that I wasn’t familiar with.
The stage was beautiful and changed up throughout the night. Twain sang hit after hit of her huge catolog with a few of her new songs off the most recent album to an adoring crowd that sang along with her to familiar hits and stood the whole time.
My personal favorites of the night were: “Any Man Of Mine”, “Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under”, “Up”, “Don’t Be Stupid”, and “That Don’t Impress Me Much”.
Shania looked as beautiful as ever and there were several outfit changes thoughout the night with many flowing dresses. She kept the energy going and it was a wonderful concert overall as she seemed to be thoroughly-enjoying herself. The only thing I would change is the opening song to one of her familiar huge hits that the crowd knew. The opening song was upbeat, which is always a good way to start, but I think it would be an even more effective opening to lead with something very familiar since when she did perform a hit, the energy in the room shot up even more. I just thought a little of the energy was lost by not starting with one of her huge hits, but that is just my opinion. The whole production was wonderful, and so happy that Shania Twain is back after taking a long break.