
Tag Archives | Sarah Davidson

Album Review: Sarah Davidson’s Self-titled EP

sarah-davidsonWhile most people will recognize Sarah Davidson from TNT’s ‘Private Lives Of Nashville Wives’ and/or as being the ex-wife of hit songwriter Dallas Davidson, she is also a very talented singer/songwriter in her own right.

With the release of her 5 track self-titled country EP on on March 25th, Sarah gives a glimpse into who she is as an artist.  Who she IS an as artist is someone who is authentic, empowering, and talented.  Now, I could go on and write more about her here, but you will just have to wait for the full interview that I will be posting in the next couple of days when I had a chance to sit down with her to discuss music and learn more about who she is.  Check back for that! Right now, I will just discuss this new EP. Continue Reading →

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