
Tag Archives | Nothing In Particular

The LACS’ “Nothing in Particular” Video Inducted Into The Boot’s “Video Shootout Hall of Fame”

imageAfter winning for four consecutive weeks on The Boot’s fan-voted “Video Shootout,” The LACS’ new video, “Nothing in Particular,” has been inducted into The Boot’s “Video Shootout Hall of Fame.” The duo is currently winding down 2014 on the last leg of their national tour.

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The LACS’ Nothing In Particular Available Now

The LACSAverage Joes Entertainment’s, The LACS’ new 11-song collection of fan must-haves, Nothing In Particular, is available now.  Released as a tribute to their wide and loyal fan base,Nothing In Particular features songs that have either never been available on CD, together on one album, or previously released.  The video for the title track, “Nothing In Particular,” premieres today exclusively on The Boot.  Click here to watch the video. Continue Reading →

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