
Tag Archives | new baby

Zac Brown And His Wife Welcome The Arrival Of New Baby Boy

Zac-and-Shelly-BrownZac Brown Band frontman Zac Brown and his wife, Shelly, are celebrating the recent birth of their 5th child.  His name is Alexander Frost Brown.  He was born on May 5th weighing 11lbs, 7oz. and 22.5 inches long at the Atlanta Medical Center.  (All information according to the Zac Brown Band official Facebook page.)

Congratulations to them both!

Zac Brown's baby boy Alexander Frost

Alexander Frost Brown


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Congratulations To Stealing Angels’ Tayla Lynn And Husband, Jon Cody Finger, On Birth Of Baby

Congratulations going out to Stealing Angels’ Tayla Lynn (granddaughter of Loretta Lynn) and her husband, Jon Cody Finger, on the the birth of their son, Tru, in Nashville on August 3rd, 2012!

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