
Tag Archives | Multiple sclerosis

Clay Walker | 6th Annual “Chords of Hope” Benefit



Clay Walker playing “6th Annual Chords of Hope.” Photo Credit: Alanna Massey

A curveball is flying toward you. You have two options — let it knock you down, or catch and return it to the world as something positive.

Clay Walker sent it soaring back into the world, leaving a trail of hope and inspiration.

He was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at age 26, only a few years after bursting into the mainstream country music scene. Instead of letting the news knock him down, Clay pursued his career and founded a non-profit organization called Band Against MS.

He also established an annual benefit in Nashville called “Chords of Hope.” This is the 6th year the event has raised money for MS education and research at Vanderbilt Medical Center.

“I think the loyalty and commitment has grown from the community, and therefore I could see us very easily doing another six years,” Clay said.

Clay took time to meet with friends and supporters before the night kicked off. Tim Dugger took the stage, followed by Clay. There were 400 people united by a great cause at the sold-out show.

“We love doing it at this quaint place, at 3rd and Lindsley, because it’s just more personal,” Clay said. 

Clay Walker performing while streamer pop into the audience during "Live Laugh Love."

Clay Walker performing while streamer pop into the audience during “Live Laugh Love.”

Clay spread his own laughter and love by popping streamers into the audience during “Live Laugh Love.” Fans twirled and threw the paper ribbons into the air as Clay rocked the stage. It was truly inspiring to feel the joy and energy within the audience, especially for those also living with MS.

Clay is a spokesman for Stick With It, an organization that encourages MS patients to stick with a normal routine.

“It’s real important to me to always make sure that I take medication three times a week, exercise and eat somewhat healthy,” Clay said.

Touring provides an unpredictable environment and makes it difficult to maintain a normal routine. He might be on the bus one night and in a hotel the next, but when it comes to his health routine he’s sure to “stick with it.”

Clay Walker and Alanna Massey backstage at "Chords of Hope."

Clay Walker and Alanna Massey backstage at “Chords of Hope.”

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No Excuses, No Limits: My Personal Journey Towards Health & Happiness | Journal Entry #4

Diagnosed with multiple sclerosis aka MS in May 2009, Patrice Majors the co-owner and founder of FOCUS on the 615, shares her personal story about living with this disease as she tells you where she’s been, how she got here, and where she’s headed.  As a result of numerous problems with MS and a recent health scare with her heart, she embarks on a journey to return to the best shape she can get into.  She will share with you what she learns about good health along the way as she trains and prepares to enter the MS Jack and Back bike event here in Nashville in the fall where she has set her goal to complete the 120 mile bike ride from Nashville to Lynchburg, TN (Jack Daniels Distillery) and back in a 2-day ride.  Come share the experience with her as she trains for this event and tells you her story of how she got here in the first place seeking to raise awareness for MS along the way.


A Light At The End Of The Dark Tunnel And A Fork In The Road

Well, all things come to an end and luckily that dark period did, too.  Now, please know that I’m not the kind who wallows in self-pity.  This actually was something quite common for anyone diagnosed with an incurable, chronic illness.  There is mourning for the loss of the body once had.  The one thing you thought you could always count on, your body, now working against you and much weaker than before.  There also is the loss of self-confidence that comes with it.  So much self-doubt.  No longer feeling capable of so many things.  Feeling weak, like could stumble &  fall both literally AND figuratively speaking.  It was a hard period, but I firmly believe that we must all at some point in our lives be forced to face our fears.  We learn WHO exactly we are in those instances.  Continue Reading →

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No Excuses, No Limits: My Personal Journey Towards Health & Happiness | Journal Entry # 3

Diagnosed with multiple sclerosis aka MS in May 2009, Patrice Majors the co-owner and founder of FOCUS on the 615, shares her personal story about living with this disease as she tells you where she’s been, how she got here, and where she’s headed.  As a result of numerous problems with MS and a recent health scare with her heart, she embarks on a journey to return to the best shape she can get into.  She will share with you what she learns about good health along the way as she trains and prepares to enter the MS Jack and Back bike event here in Nashville in the fall where she has set her goal to complete the 120 mile bike ride from Nashville to Lynchburg, TN (Jack Daniels Distillery) and back in a 2-day ride.  Come share the experience with her as she trains for this event and tells you her story of how she got here in the first place seeking to raise awareness for MS along the way.


The Dark Place

Well, after the benefit was done and the month of house rest, things settled down a bit.  Fortunately for me, Copaxone which is one of the MS therapies, does work for me.  It was able to stop the progression and things calmed down.  However, as things began to settle down and friends went back to their normal lives, there was just me left to deal with my “new normal” of living with MS.

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