
Tag Archives | misinterpreted

“Girl Crush” From Little Big Town: It’s Not What You Think It Is

Little Big Town Girl CrushCurrently, radio stations across the country are being forced to pull from rotation Little Big Town’s newest single “Girl Crush”.  This is all due to some angry listeners misinterpreting the song and thinking it’s about lesbians.  If it actually was, would that really be so bad? It’s 2015, after all.   It’s not, though, so everybody just relax.  What the song is really about is a jealous ex-girlfriend wanting to put herself in the place of the current girlfriend.  She wants to live vicariously through eyes of the current and desperately wants what the current girlfriend has back.  Think we’ve all been there wondering what your ex sees in this other person that they no longer see in you as your heart breaks wanting what you once had back.

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