
Tag Archives | Jack Daniels

Craig Morgan Joins For 19th Jack Daniel’s/USO “Toast To The Troops” Campaign

Photo_from_CMTs_Hot_20_Countdown_Courtesy_of_2013_Country_Music_Television_Inc_All_Rights_Reserved_Photo_by_Brian_BayleyThe 19th Jack Daniel’s/USO “Toast to the Troops” Care Package Stuffing Party will hit Jacksonville, FL, on July 11 for a fun-filled day at The Jacksonville Landing where dedicated volunteers and the general public will fill 7,500 care packages for our servicemen and women serving overseas. Continue Reading →

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Jack Daniel’s “Operation Ride Home”: Helping Reunite Service Members And Families For The Holidays

Craig Morgan Will Serve As National Spokesperson

Craig MorganFor the second year in a row, the Jack Daniel Distillery will donate more than $100,000 to help service members and their families travel from bases to homes across the U.S. through “Operation Ride Home” this holiday season.

And as with last year’s effort, the famed distillery will be asking its friends to visit www.jdoperationridehome.com and contribute what they can to help in the campaign.  Through travel vouchers for plane tickets and pre-paid debit cards for gas, lodging and food, the distillery hopes to surpass the overwhelming success of last year’s effort that helped send 721 Fort Campbell soldiers and their families home last year.  In addition to Jack Daniel’s contribution, more than $24,000 was collected from the general public through the donation site.

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