
Tag Archives | Dirt Road Communion

Album Review: Dirt Road Communion By Chase Rice

Chase RiceWhile I appreciate the production, musicianship, and the melodies of the album as a whole, I found the entire album a bit cliche.  There are just too many songs about dirt roads, trucks, beer, whiskey, girls, and tractors.  Nothing groundbreaking, profound, or will truly touch your heart here.  The vocals are ok, but will not blow you away and seemed a little strained at times.  I was looking for something with a bit more depth and something to really stand out for me in this new release from Chase Rice, who many will remember as being a runner-up on the hit CBS show ‘Survivor’.

I did enjoy the mid-tempo song “Jack Daniels & Jesus”.  This song had some depth, a great melody, and good lyrics.  “PBJs & PBRs” was a fun uptempo song reminiscing about college days.  This song is radio-friendly and would do well as a summer release.

“Whoa” was a low point for me on this album.   Chase tried to rap during one part of the song. Personally, I think that any kind of rapping should be left off of a country album.  It just doesn’t belong in the genre.  I did like the melody of the song, but the lyrics were lacking.

Overall, this new album is a good listen, but not great and filled with too many country cliches that have been overdone.  It just didn’t blow me away or lacked in true depth.

For more information about Chase Rice, please visit his website at:  www.chaserice.com

Rated 2 1/2 out of 5 stars.


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