
Tag Archives | Danielle Peck

Tune-In: Danielle Peck Live StageIt Show On Wednesday, May 8th 7pm CST

Danielle Deck

Danielle Peck is doing a StageIt benefit show tonight for St Jude’s “City of Hope” at 7pm central! Please attend online and donate whatever you can to help this great cause!

Here’s the link to join:


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The “HonorOne Campaign” Gains More Support

HonorOne CampaignCountry music stars Lucas Hoge, The Roys, Danielle Peck, Jett Williams, Buddy Jewell and Andy Griggs recently provided their support to the newly launched “HonorOne Campaign” by recording public service announcements and detailing their personal experiences with the military.

The PSAs recorded by the artists, challenge ALL 300 million Americans to spend $10 and show their support for HonorOne, the organization which assists service men and women and their families. For each $10 spent at www.HonorOne.org, the supporter will receive a God Bless the USA Reminder Coin. Additionally, the supporter will be named on a patriotic shadow box gift to a wounded veteran. Each gift is handmade in the United States by disabled workers. 100% of the profits are donated to the best military charities, including those that provide vital family and post-traumatic stress disorder counseling for soldiers returning from the battlefield. For more information, or to support the “HonorOne Campaign,” please visit www.honorone.org.

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Interview With Danielle Peck | CRS 2013

Danielle Peck stops by to talk to us about her inspirational new single “Impossible Dreams,” the subsequent Country Weekly contest, and some beauty tips. She is also the newest artist slated to perform on the Music in Motion on the Ocean cruise!

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FOCUS on the 615 at CRS 2013

Country Radio Seminar wrapped up last week to record attendance, bright new stars, and performances by the biggest names in country music. FOCUS on the 615 was there to catch all the action! Here’s a preview of all the happenings at Country Radio Seminar (CRS) 2013!

Read more about all the great performances with exclusive behind the scenes coverage of CRS 2013 here: http://focusonthe615.com/2013/03/06/country-radio-seminar-2013-celebrities-surprises-and-stars-of-tomorrow/

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