
Tag Archives | Carrie Zaruba

Country’s Newest Carrie Zaruba Pins Her Legacy with Legends of Rock

Carrie Zaruba Carrie Zaruba

Country’s newest vocal vixen vagabond, Carrie Zaruba has been named one of the most recent inspirations for the iconic Hard Rock Cafe Nashville pin series. The “Save The Planet” pin blends Hard Rock’s eco-friendly initiative with Carrie’s spirited, artsy style.

On the decision to work with Carrie on the design and image, Hard Rock Cafe Nashville’s Manager of Sales and Marketing, Rachal Smith said, “When we were discussing the recent industry showcase Carrie did at the Hard Rock Cafe Nashville just a few weeks ago and saw her current photo shoot for her newly released EP Woman On A Mission, we knew her image would be a great fit for a modern mother-nature….A true beauty with an edgy style and a big voice!”

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