
Artist Spotlight: Get To Know Airpark

Photo credit: Melissa Madison Fuller

Nashville-indie rock duo, Airpark, will release their second EP entitled, ‘Early Works Vol. 2’ on September 15th.  They’ll celebrate with a show at The High Watt in Nashville on September 20th.  Don’t miss it!

The Nashville-based duo is made up of brothers Michael and Ben Ford, who formed the band after their previous project, The Apache Relay, called it quits.  With Airpark, the brothers create deconstructed pop music, focusing on songs that pack a punch with bold, basic ingredients.

1) How did you get together as a group?


“We’re brothers and have been playing music together since we were 11 and 12. Our previous project disbanded in 2015 and we took a solid year to write and record with no preconceived notions. The formation of our duo came out of that time and we formed officially in late 2016.”


2) Where are you from?


“We grew up right outside of New Orleans. It was awesome to be exposed to all the music of that area while growing up. It’s something I have only become more thankful for the older I get.”


3) How would you describe your sound?


“Our taste is pretty eclectic and it’s always tricky trying to be objective about your own art. We consider it to be groove focused, alternative pop.”


4) What’s the biggest obstacle you’ve had to overcome as artists?


“I think continuing to be vulnerable with your writing and knowing that your letting people into the most personal aspects of your life. That’s also what seems to make for the best art though…”


5) What has been your favorite, most memorable experience so far?


“We recently did a run of dates with Tennis. Not only are we fans of their art but they were wonderful people to be around.  Their crowds were also very receptive to our tunes.”


6) What do you like to do when not making music?


“We’re both big film nerds these days. We love going to the Belcourt Theater to see movies and documentaries. We also go to 3rd Coast Comedy occasionally to check out their improv.”  


7) Tell us about your newest song and/or album out.


“It feels like a continuation of our first EP but more filled out sonically. On our first release we really kept it very intentionally minimalistic. With this collection of songs it naturally wanted to grow and we allowed that to happen.”


8) Do you enjoy the songwriting process and do you write your own songs?


“We’ve been writing our own songs since we were 11 and 12. I’ve always found the process of songwriting to be pretty elusive. Every song seems to come together differently and often times seemingly at it’s own pace. It can be the most rewarding thing in the world and the next moment, the most frustrating. For us, that’s what keeps the process intriguing.” 


9) What’s next for you?


“Heavy, heavy touring behind the new release. We’ll be on the road pretty regularly from now until Thanksgiving. A lot of these shows will be our first time playing some of these cities. We’re looking forward to seeing how the new songs come across.” 


10) Favorite place to eat in Nashville.


“Dino’s! The Porter Road Butcher burger with their fries. It’s a glorious thing.” 

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