Pictured at the studio are: (l. to r.) – Farewell Angelina’s Andrea Young and Nicole Witt; Coffee, Country & Cody host Bill Cody; Farewell Angelina’s Lauren Lucas; Coffee, Country & Cody producer Charlie Mattos; and Farewell Angelina’s Lisa Torres.
Dreamlined Entertainment’s Farewell Angelina dropped by WSM’s Coffee, Country & Cody to chat up their “If It Ain’t With You” single, their self-titled EP, being named one of the 2017 Taste of Country RISERS and more.
About Farewell Angelina: Farewell Angelina is an all-female country group. Nicole Witt and Andrea Young teamed up with noted Nashville harmony singer and solo artist Lisa Torres in late 2014. Their clear writing chemistry, creative drive and incendiary performance soon caught the ears and eyes of producers Jen Ketner and Keith Stegall, and recording commenced in 2015. This year celebrated the release of their debut EP on Stegall’s Dreamlined Entertainment and appearances at the ACM All-Star Jam, CMA Music Fest, a 75-city radio tour and festival dates at Creek Fest and Trails West. In late summer 2016 they added ACM and Tony Award nominee Lauren Lucas, adding yet another lead vocalist and stellar guitarist to the mix.
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