
#MusicHealsEverything | Country Duo TOWNE’s Stories


Here’s both members of TOWNE’s stories:


Jon Decious (1/2 of duo TOWNE)

A few years back, my granddaddy died unexpectedly. He was the first, and for the longest time, the only father-figure I really had in my life. This was also the first time someone very close to me had passed away.

Because crying makes everything real; I didn’t cry the entire week leading up to the funeral. I didn’t cry pulling into the funeral home parking lot and I didn’t cry while hugging my grandma or my family members (who were all crying) as I stepped inside. No, it wasn’t until I stepped up to that great oak casket and saw my grandad for the final time that I cried. Standing there, falling completely and helplessly apart, I learned the meaning of “loss” and “lost” and I learned them fast and I learned them well.

Not knowing what to say and not knowing what to do, I didn’t do much of either afterwards. I just got in my car and started driving back to Nashville.

As my car rolled along, out of nowhere, somewhere along the Kentucky/Tennessee line I started humming the melody to “My Old Kentucky Home” and, as sure as I’m sitting here, another song started writing itself in my head- just like someone else was writing the damn thing for me- and by the time I got home, all I had to do was pick up a guitar and learn how to play it.

That song, “Kentucky Boy”, is about me and my granddaddy. Singing it turned out to be the only thing in the world that made me feel better and writing it made me feel like maybe I could have made him proud one last time.

A few years and a few hundred songs later, it’s still my favorite song that I’ve ever been a part of because everytime I play it he’s right back here with me…makes sense, I guess…after-all, he wrote the damn thing.

Thanks, Grandaddy

Steevie Steeves (other 1/2 of TOWNE)

Of all the emotions a wild, independent, stubborn, outspoken girl would feel when moving 600 miles away from everything she’s ever known, getting homesick was definitely something I was unprepared for.

I was twenty two when I made my solo journey to Nashville to pursue my music career. Big dreams require big steps, and I knew what I had to do.My family has always supported my ambitious decisions. Leaving people you love however, is never easy.

A few years into my Nashville residency, I had acquired quite a busy schedule. Waitressing full time, writing songs and performing every chance I could. I told my mother that yet again, I wasn’t going to make it home for the holidays. She was understanding. I was devastated. I was homesick and needed a remedy! It was a week before Thanksgiving and my mother had told me to keep an eye out for a package that was to be delivered at my doorstep. She said she was sending my Christmas present early in hopes that my spirits would be lifted. When the package came, I was already in tears at the sight of it. It was a huge box that weighed every bit of 30 lbs.   Nothing could have prepared me for its contents!

My mother sent me her entire record collection.  All of her favorite music right there, sitting in the middle of my studio apartment!  Everything from the Beatles White Album to Heart’s Little Queen! Aerosmith, Steve Miller band,Kansas, Stevie Nicks, the Stones and Led Zeppelin. Tears of joy were pouring out! Not only did I have a piece of home, but a Musical piece of my mothers history. I was raised listening to what my parents enjoyed listening to. Playing those records is the most comforting thing when I’m feeling homesick til this very day. Music is truly the gift that keeps on giving.

For more information about TOWNE:


Website: http://www.townemusic.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5ZahHnkvzvmN0qSSAlAV0q

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