
#MusicHealsEverything | My Story

Music Heals EverythingI can’t ever remember a time in my life that music didn’t mean something incredibly powerful to me.

From an early age, my dad shared his love of country music with me, talking of how he used to listen to the Grand Ole Opry on the radio as a young boy growing up on his family farm in Star City, Arkansas. Road trips to see family meant country music in the car.

Then, there was middle school when I joined the chorus.

High school brought joining the John Overton High School marching band. There was a special trip to the Tournament of Roses Parade that brings a smile to this day. Along with a trip to the Fiesta Bowl Parade. Most importantly, marching band helped me to overcome my shyness and it gave me discipline.

With college, I continued with marching band and percussion ensemble at Middle Tennessee State University my first 2 years–bringing me so much continued joy.

But, it wasn’t until I lost my dad to Alzheimer’s in May 2006, that I learned the true power of music and healing. At this most painful time in my life after watching my dad decline and lose his battle to Alzheimer’s, I took all the pain, frustration, and emptiness that I felt over his loss, and decided to put my energy towards something positive. I needed to focus elsewhere, and not on the loss and all the sadness I felt inside. Out of that loss came the creation of a benefit music series held in my dad’s memory to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Association called Forget-Me-Not.

This painting that you see at the top of this with the girl, fiddle, and forget-me-not flowers was specifically created for the benefit music series, Forget-Me-Not, by my dear & talented friend, Amy Bornstein. Amy graciously donated her time and talent to creating something truly special to represent what I created to honor my dad, Charles Majors. I felt it was only appropriate to take that same beautiful image created and use it to represent this project: Music Heals Everything. It just fits.

Patrice MajorsExactly 3 years after my dad’s passing in May 2009, I experienced my own health crisis as I lost feeling in 75% of my body, couldn’t use my left hand because of it, and began falling. I was soon diagnosed with multiple sclerosis aka MS. It was then that I sought the comfort of music at this lowest point in my life when I was so scared having been told that the medication currently available might not work on me due to the aggressiveness of the onset of my disease. I was also told that I should prepare myself that I would probably be in a wheelchair within 5 years of that diagnosis. Nothing could console me then, but music and writing in my journal.

First, there was the benefit for me that my many friends I had made along the way since starting the benefit series 3 years before put together for me. On the stormiest of nights when I thought no one would show or really care, over 200 of my friends and family came out to the Listening Room in Nashville to play music and give support to me to fight this disease that was overwhelming me.

Seven years later, I am still walking without any assistance, regained use of my left hand, and the medication DOES work on me. My doctor says I’m a bit of a miracle because of this. I don’t question it. Of course, I have my good and bad days. Sometimes life can be challenging living with MS, but what I learned is it’s not a death sentence. As long as a stay determined and keep a positive mindset, I feel that I can keep winning this battle against it. Well, that, my faith in God, AND keeping the music in my life. I know in my heart that if it wasn’t for music and where my love for it has taken me, I wouldn’t be doing anywhere near as well as I am now.

It was out of these painful, life-changing experiences that FOCUS on the 615 was born. A way to support and give back to what I love the most: music and those talented people who create it.

Music is truly my life blood. Without it, my life would be so very different and empty. Music gives me hope, joy, and healing. This is why I say to support the artists that you love, and buy the music that heals you.

Without music in this world, it would be a very, VERY different place. So, even though you can download music for free, listen to it for free on a streaming service, or just on YouTube–BUY the music whenever you can. Support these very special, talented people who create music for you. Their talent is a gift from God. A very special gift. We need to do ALL that we can to keep it florishing and thriving in this digital society.

So, there’s MY story about what music means to me, and the healing that has taken place over my lifetime. Now, I want to hear from YOU! Send your story to me at: patrice@focusonthe615.com


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