
#MusicHealsEverything | Roy Greenwood’s Story


I just saw this posted on your website, FOCUS on the 615 and I felt
compelled to write in. I am a 20 year survivor of RSD or Reflex
Sympathetic dystrophy as of this past December. Music has always been a
catalyst in my on going battle. It always seems to be that when I need
that extra spark to get through a tough day when I am on the ropes, a
song comes along that just helps me make it through. Sometimes the
lyrics take me back to a time and place before the RSD and it helps me
recall what life was like long before it. Its also a healing force for
my spouse who not only works full time, but doubles as my care giver
when the need arises. We often forget how much care givers suffer and
endure as much if not more than we do ourselves. Music heals and
inspires us to do things that we ourselves never believe that we can

Also, it was Mary Sarah’s rendition of “Johnny and June” that she sang on “The Voice”. Just touched me and reminded me of the sacrifices that my special ‘June’ has made over the 20 years we have battled my disorder together…

Roy Greenwood is from North Fork, California and is a lead aluminum can artist with sodacanmodels.com.

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