
#MusicHealsEverything Project: Sharing Stories Of Hope & Healing Through Music

Music Heals EverythingHas there been a time in your life when you sought music for comfort and healing that you would like to share with us to be featured on the site, FOCUS on the 615?

We all know the amazing power of music to heal and give hope.  I found it when my dad passed away from Alzheimer’s 10 years ago in May, and when I was diagnosed with MS 7 years ago in May.  May hasn’t always been the best month for me, but that’s why I am launching a new campaign with my site called #MusicHealsEverything during the month of May that will lead up to the benefit I have planned in October by the same name.

It is because of those difficult times in my life when I sought my own healing from music that the idea of my site grew from.  FOCUS on the 615 is my way of giving back and supporting what I love: music and the artists who create it.  Music truly has saved my life over and over.  It is powerful, and moves me constantly.

I think a lot of people have their own stories of the healing and comfort they have found through music to get through difficult times that they would like to share.  So, if you’re not shy and want to share your story, please email me at: patrice@focusonthe615.com to be featured on my site.

So excited to begin this new project of hope and healing now! 😄 #MusicHealsEverything

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