
Album Review: Jordan DePaul | ‘Forces’


With country music seeming to be more open to artists like Jason Isbell, Sturgill Simpson and Chris Stapleton over recent months,  the timing could not be more perfect for singer/songwriter Jordan DePaul.  After getting his degree and landing an industry position with BMI, Jordan decided to leave his job and take the leap of faith to pursue making music full time.

“Forces” is a 6 song testament that proves Jordan DePaul has what it takes, not only as a stellar songwriter and musician, but as a vocal stylist who conveys extraordinary soul and emotion.  The simple production of this project allows the listener to hear exactly what they would experience at a live performance.  The perfect balance, combining pedal steel with vibey guitars,  moving shuffle beats with rhythmic bass lines and soaring melodies, tying each well crafted song together naturally.

“Brighter Shade of Blue” is a stand out track,  immediately exposing Jordans heart in the lyrics.  After losing his father to cancer, the song translates how the pain of losing someone also incorporates hope. “When I reach the other side, I wanna know that I did my time. If what they say is really true, I’ll never see a brighter shade of blue.”

“Me+U” is the original buzz single that American Songwriter Magazine featured.  It is a brilliant analogy of how we try to hold on to a relationship, knowing it is not going to work out.  “No Good For You” is a personal favorite track, showcasing classic hit songwriting at its best. I love the honesty in the memorable hook “It’s no good for you to be so good for me.”

With songs like “Lucky” and “Ghost of Blue Ridge” balancing out this collection of songs, the “Forces” EP is a strong representation of an artist who will have staying power in such a competitive industry.  Crossing genres and proving we don’t have to box music into any certain market,  Jordan DePaul is an artist that has limitless boundaries and can hopefully make an impact.

Jordan will be kicked off his “Ghost of Blue Ridge” tour dates with the “Forces” EP release show Feb. 4th at The Basement East. 


Rated 5 out of 5 stars.


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