


As kids and teens across the country settle into back-to-school mode, CASSADEE POPE is giving her fans a dose of confidence and inspiration with an exclusive premiere on Seventeen.com September 23 of her “I Am Invincible” music video.

In anticipation of the debut, Cassadee will post behind-the-scenes images from the video shoot across her social platforms, revealing hints of the creativity she conceptualized with director Roman White. The emboldening piece was filmed just outside of Nashville and mixes a bold performance with an evolving storyline around a fresh-faced little girl who experiences bullying. The theme is one that resonates personally with Cassadee and one she hopes will empower others. It encourages people to embrace what makes them unique and echoes the belief if we were all the same none of us would be special. It’s a message relayed from the moment Cassadee premiered the song live at this year’s Special Olympics and one that continues to move listeners.
“I loved the idea of using imagery that literally builds out the message of being ‘invincible,’ shared Cassadee. “No matter our age, we all go through stages of life where we need encouragement to power through a rough situation. I am so thrilled Seventeen is partnering with me to showcases the impactful visuals in this storyline.”
That hope and courage were highlighted in submitted fan photos last month in the lyric video: http://vevo.ly/WHJNPc. Spending the latter half of summer introducing the music, radio stations across the country have embraced The Voice winner’s latest effort recently solidifying “I Am Invincible” as the most added on their playlists. For tour dates and more visit CassadeePope.com.

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