
The Outdoors World Embraces Emerging Country Artist Liz Moriondo


Lots of videos go viral in this Internet obsessed world. What makes Liz Moriondo’s hilarious parody of “All About That Bass” special is that while it has entertained millions, its simple message of “women can fish too” has resonated with men and women outdoors enthusiasts throughout the country. 

“It has been so exciting to watch what’s been happening as a result of this video,” said Moriondo, who has been asked on various fishing and hunting shows and to sing at conventions and store openings. “I wrote this parody for my friends at Bass Pro Shops. We share the same hometown, and they have been unbelievably supportive of my career for years.” She goes on to reveal that many outdoors companies have shared the video in addition to Bass Pro Shops, causing it to become an anthem of sorts for outdoors-women nationwide. “I feel so blessed to be getting these millions of views because outdoors companies are sharing it on their social media. I started wondering if something was happening when my Facebook likes started going up by 3000 in a day!”   

Women are the fastest growing segment within the outdoors recreation consumer base, which has no doubt fueled the corporate interest Moriondo receives on a regular basis.

“Liz is the real deal. She grew up in the Ozarks fishing and hunting. She just happens to be in Nashville now showing the world what an amazing singer-songwriter she is,” said Jimmy Sites, host of the Hunt Channel’s Spiritual Outdoor Adventures. “I am overseeing the production of a concept video for Liz’s first single, “Throw Ya Back,” that will show both sides of this wonderful woman.” 

For more information about Liz Moriondo visit her online at www.lizmoriondo.com. 

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