
Artist Spotlight: Lara Johnston

Lara JohnstonWell, I have to admit that being exposed to so much music and different artists, that it takes a lot to really grab my attention these days.  I’m very particular and not easily impressed since I’ve been witness to many incredible performances.  However, there are those times that an artist stands out so much, you just can’t help but pay attention.  That is the case with pop artist Lara Johnston.

I was fortunate enough to be introduced to Lara during Tin Pan South here in Nashville just a few weeks back.  When I had the chance to listen to her recorded music, I was immediately blown away and her music drew me in instantly.  With a voice so powerful, soulful, and unique, it’s hard to deny this amount of artistry and talent.  Her live performance is just as engaging and her vocals shine.  She is just as good live as she is on a fully-produced recording, better actually, because you get to see her personality.  Not only is she an incredibly-gifted artist with a dynamic stage presence, she is really the whole package all the way around.  I believe music fans will absolutely love her once they are exposed to her as an artist.  Her natural warmth and genuine personality shine through effortlessly.  That combined with all of the other reasons I listed makes her someone to watch and definitely want to support in my eyes.

Do yourself a favor and get to know this artist.  I’ve included a couple of her videos just to give you a taste of who she is.  Hope you enjoy!

For more information about Lara and get to know her, you can follow her on Twitter at: www.twitter.com/larajohnston12 and go to: www.larajohnston.com


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