
Warner Music Nashville/Word Entertainment Christmas Memories

Blake Shelton

Blake Shelton

Christmas at the Shelton/Lambert Household:
Christmas in the Shelton/Lambert household is probably like a lot of y’all’s Christmases out there. It’s chaos and we don’t have any kids, so we’re the ones that travel to everyone else’s houses. So we start down in Lindale, TX on Christmas Eve with Miranda’s family, and we always wake up there on Christmas morning and open presents – that’s where Santa comes – then we put everything in the car and drive all the way back to Oklahoma. Then we have Christmas day with my family. Normally on either side of that Miranda and I will try to have our Christmas just she and I together. It’s normally a wrapping night where we wrap everybody’s presents… or actually I stand there and mix her drinks and watch her wrap everybody’s presents, cuz I can’t warp worth crap. But I like it; I like how we do our thing and I think she does too.

Special Christmas Drink:
I don’t think I really have a special Christmas drink. I mean we always – all of us, Miranda’s family, my family – we always have a few drinks during Christmas. While we were making the album, though, I was actually drinking a little bit of wine, believe it or not, just to kinda kick back and try to get in that laid back state of mind that you’d picture Dean Martin or one of those guys doing when they get in the studio.

Favorite Christmas Memory:
My favorite Christmas memory probably just happened last year. You always have all the different things that happen, whether it’s a gift or whatever, but the last Christmas I spent with my dad was actually in a hospital room. Everybody had all their Christmases going on and for whatever reason everybody had been in the hospital room with my dad all day; then people went on to go do their Christmases at their homes and I decided, ‘I’m just gonna stay here with my dad.’ And me and my dad sat in that hospital room together and laughed all night. We watched a marathon of Dumbest Stuff on Wheels together on Christmas Eve and man, I wouldn’t trade that time with him for anything. That’s something I’ll never forget.

 More below from Faith Hill, Hunter Hayes, Jana Kramer, Brett Eldredge, Big & Rich, The Farm, and others!

Faith Hill

Faith Hill

Favorite Christmas Traditions:
I think one of the things that I love to do the most during the holiday season is when we finally get the time to pull everything out and decorate the house. There’s always that moment  when we’re all together, and we’re opening up the boxes, and we talk about the things that we’re setting out. Whether it be something that the kids have made from years past or a favorite item that we use to decorate the house. It always surprises me because there are the things that the girls will say every year is their favorite and then they’ll come up with something new and I’ll think to myself, ‘ I didn’t even realize that you noticed that’ or ‘You’ve never mentioned it before’ so to me it’s always kind of a surprise and it just is a special, special time with our family.


Hunter Hayes

Hunter Hayes

Favorite Christmas Memories:
I think my favorite Christmas memory is a combination of the fact that for five years in a row I asked for musical instruments every year. So I woke up and I got a musical instrument, which was awesome. Then just hanging out with family.  That’s one of two days a year that I know I will get to see everyone in my family.  In Louisiana, everybody lives pretty close to each other, so you know you’re going to see everybody. So it’s really cool. I definitely appreciate it more, now that I’ve moved away, than I think I did then. Just getting to see everyone at once. And we’d always just hang out, and watch whatever was on TV, or just chat about whatever. Plus, good home cooking. You know, grandma makes the best food in the world—both of my grandmothers. They’re both equally awesome.

Christmas Holiday Season Traditions:
I think if I have any holiday traditions now it is just to make sure that I get back to Louisiana to see all my family.  Because you know everybody’s there and we love to just hang out and that’s kind of just a tradition of ours, and it’s kind of understood that three days before and three days after Christmas or New Years or Thanksgiving, we just go down to Louisiana and spend time there and just hang out.  No agenda. No list of things to do. We just go to see family, and visit and catch up, which is always, always needed.

Favorite Christmas Song:
I think my favorite Christmas song is probably I’ll Be Home for Christmas. I don’t know what it is about that song that just sleighs me every time I hear it because it’s so profound. It’s just so sincere, you know. It’s one of those songs that’s really just real, that everyone can relate to.  Everybody either goes home for the holidays or has friends that they want to go visit or a significant other they want to go visit, you know, things like that; I feel we all just want to go home for the holidays.


Jana Kramer

Jana Kramer

Christmas Memories:
One of my favorite Christmas memories is when my brother and I used to wake up my parents really, really, really  early in the morning and open up all the presents.

Favorite Tradition:
My favorite Christmas tradition is when my whole entire family gets together for Euchre tournaments and we have the best time ever. And having my grandma’s cookies, because she makes every kind of cookie you could ever dream of.

Favorite Christmas Movie:
My favorite Christmas movie is either Love Actually or White Christmas.


Brett Eldredge

Brett Eldgrege

I loved growing up in a place where I could have a White Christmas…snowball fights, sledding, building snowmen, making snow cream (just add cool whip and vanilla to snow and mix in a bowl!) …My one wish for Christmas this year is for another Illinois White Christmas.


Big & Rich

Big & Rich

Big Kenny Alphin:
Favorite Christmas Pastime
If you’ve been around me between Thanksgiving and Christmas, you know I like busting into a room singing ‘Oh Holy Night’.  I might sing it ten times a day. I’ve loved belting out that song long as I can remember and it’s a tradition of mine to get everyone to join in!  … so now let’s all sing together like we mean it!!! … one, two, three … OH HOLY NIGHT, THE STARS ARE BRIGHTLY SHINING….

Favorite Christmas Memory
I’ll never forget the first time I actually saw Santa come down the chimney and out of that fireplace. Magic! That may have been my first experience with eggnog also!

What Makes Christmas Special
My memories of childhood during Christmas are great and many, but, now being a father myself, the experience of watching my own children’s joy is even greater.  Their happiness and love makes for the most amazing feeling like no other. Now I know the true magic of Christmas and that’s a tradition I want to keep in our home year round.

John Rich:
Favorite Christmas Pastime
Granny’s fried chicken, shooting guns, watching football!

This Year’s Wishlist
For Christmas this year, I’d like for my youngest son to stop pooping his pants…


The Farm

The Farm

Nick Hoffman:
Favorite Christmas Tradition
Every Christmas in MN we end up around my grandma’s piano – her playing the piano, and me playing the fiddle – and we play Christmas songs and old-time fiddle tunes.  It’s not necessarily an official “tradition” for our family, but always seems to end up that way. I love it.

Favorite Christmas Gift
My Favorite Christmas gift ever came when I was about 16. My Grandparents gave me my Great-Grandfather Primasing’s fiddle. Up till that point, it had been hanging on the wall for all to see and was my grandmother’s prized possession. When she felt I was old enough, she gave it to me. I was speechless and I’m still honored to have it.

Favorite Christmas Song
My favorite has become O Holy Night. We performed it on the GAC Special A Deadwood Mountain Christmas. That was our first TV performance, and will always be a great memory for me. That song has a special place in my heart.


Point of Grace

Point of Grace

Shelley Breen 
My favorite Christmas tradition growing up happened on Christmas Eve. We would always go to the early kids service, then practically every member of my church (we went to a small church!) would come to our house for a party. My mom always had a huge spread of all my favorite holiday foods. Around 11pm we would all pile in our cars and head back for the midnight candlelight service. Those were sweet times.


Group 1 Crew

Group 1 Crew

Blanca Callahan 
I am so excited to spend our first Christmas in our new home! Ben, my husband, and I went crazy buying lights, ornaments, candles and Christmas decor to decorate the whole house. We look forward to making that our new Christmas tradition every year: decorating our home together.

Manwell Reyes
Christmas to me is like sliding down a marshmallow slide into a pool of dark chocolate with floating strawberries in it. It’s like bottling the world’s happiest moments into a snow globe and shaking it with joy every day.


Meredith Andrews

Meredith Andrews:

One of my favorite Christmas memories occurred just this year. My son, Maverick, is two years old, and he was helping me decorate our Christmas tree the other day. To see the concentration on his face as he hung the ornaments and the joy and wonderment over it all was something I’ll not soon forget. I have a feeling this will be one of my favorite Christmases.


Dara Maclean

Dara Maclean

Christmas is the most amazing time of year for no other reason than the choice of seeing the world as we should see it all year long. The electricity that comes from giving and seeing the needs of others is almost tangible and for a season, things actually feel right with the world. This is also the time we remember not to forget to hold our loved ones near and not take them, nor time, for granted. Praying to learn how to do this every day, not just during my favorite time of year, Christmas.


Jason Castro

Jason Castro

One of my favorite things about Christmas time are the Christmas lights. Nothing puts me in the holiday spirit more than driving through a neighborhood that’s decked out in lights. I especially enjoy the task of putting them up on my own house and sharing a little cheer of my own!

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