
Album Review: “FIELDS” By Rebecca Roubion

Rebecca Roubion, FieldsRebecca Roubion is a local indie/pop artist, and you know I love showing them some love! Her new album “FIELDS” is a four-track EP that will be released digitally Nov. 27th. This EP has a sister album entitled “FORESTS” which will be out at a later date.

Rebecca’s voice is undeniably enjoyable and unique, reminiscent of Norah Jones. The music itself features Rebecca on the keys, and carries an overall jazzy kind of feel – it’s almost hard to place, but impossible not to enjoy.

It was this feel of the music that first drew me in. I typically listen intently to lyrics when reviewing an album; however, I quickly realized that I would enjoy the music not because of what Rebecca was singing, but how she was singing and playing it.

And yet, that doesn’t mean the lyrics aren’t meaningful: through the songs run common themes and experiences that anyone can relate to, although Rebecca finds a way to convey them in poignant, unique ways.

The first track “Love Me Now” just has a happy, playful tempo to it. The second track, “Vacherie Girl” features a great little piano solo and even a trumpet solo. Both songs just lighten up your mood.

“Here Lies My Pulse” is the third track, starting as a piano ballad, and then introducing a string quartet part way through. The song allows Rebecca to show off more power in her voice, along with her seamless transitions into her higher register.

The final song “Doorway” is a mid-tempo number that somehow meshes a 50’s Doo-Wop feel with Rebecca’s contemporary piano and indie/pop voice. A great, happy love song to end the feel-good album.

Rebecca is having a release show for “FIELDS”  at The Basement on November 29th from 7 – 9, featuring Cherry Case, and with Carolina Story as the opening act. Definitely something to check out!

About Rebecca
A product of New Orleans and raised in Mobile, Alabama, Roubion is an indie-pop artist akin to both jazz and folks roots. Her vocal transfixes audiences on stage and on record, and her soulful expression combined with her rolling piano melodies create a penetrating sound that could only be born of an old New Orleans soul. Roubion is thrilled to announce the release of her debut EP “FIELDS,” recorded in Nashville, TN. Set to release in stores on November 27, this compilation exudes light and airy tunes, despite the depth of Roubion’s vocal grit and lyrical profundity. For more information, visit rebeccaroubion.com 

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