
Taylor Made Debuts New Music Video

Nashville, Tenn. (August 28, 2012) – Little General Records recording trio Taylor Made released their first ever music video featuring their current single, Things You Don’t Grow Out Of. The video officially released Thursday, August 23rd to networks, blogs, and radio amidst a nationwide radio tour to promote the single, which is currently #48 on the Billboard Indicator chart and #35 on the Music Row chart. 

“Although this is our third official release with Little General Record, this was our first opportunity to make a video,” said Greg Duckworth, member of Taylor Made and lead vocals on the single. “Given the strength of the song’s message, we felt a video would only help drive that message home. We couldn’t be more pleased with how it turned out.”

Film Credits:
Sodium Films
Director: Adrian David Payne
Producer/AD: Shawn Worlow
Director of Photography Unit 1: David Ogle
Director of Photography Unit 2: Will Holland
3rd Camera: Paul Breeding
Production Assistants: Happy Payne, Esseri Holmes, Erik Garcia
Gaffer: Matt Satterfield
Grip: Jake Foster
Best Boy: Read Riley
Makeup: Kenzie Gregg, Ashley Eisnlohr
Actors: Kaylee Andrews, Mason Bailor, Hudson Haining, Sarah Shoemaker, Steve Alberts, Alex Hopkins
Coloring: Storyville Post/John Buchanon
Editing: Jeremy Stanley

To check out Taylor Made’s music video for Things You Don’t Grow Out Of, visit www.youtube.com and search ‘Things You Don’t Grow Out Of’.

About Taylor Made:
Born and raised in Grafton, West Virginia, sibling trio Taylor Made has been performing together since childhood. With a background in church and back-porch singing, the trio reformed as I-79 for the Colgate Country Showdown. It was only a matter of time before their sibling harmonies caught the attention of Little General Stores owner Greg Darby, who signed them to his West Virginia-based Little General Records under the new name Taylor Made (after their Taylor County upbringing). In 2011, they released single Good Love, which topped off at #42 on the Billboard Indicator chart and #28 on the Music Row chart. Their current single, Things You Don’t Grow Out Of, released to radio in May 2012 and stands at #51 on the Billboard Indicator Chart and #35 on the Music Row chart. For more information regarding Taylor Made, visit www.taylormadecountry.com.

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