
Album Review: Jason Michael Carroll “Numbers”

Jason Michael CarrollI was immediately drawn into this new album by Jason Michael Carroll called “Numbers” released exclusively at Cracker Barrel stores upon hearing the 1st few bars of the 1st track on the album, “This Is For The Lonely“.  What a great voice he has! I would compare his vocals to Chris Young or even a little like Darius Rucker , who both have some of the best voices out there.  I would certainly include Jason Michael Carroll on my list of the best male vocalists in the country genre.

I love the 2nd and 3rd tracks of the album, “Numbers” and “Ray of Hope“, too.  The ballad, “Ray Of Hope“, literally gave me chill bumps numerous times and I was just so drawn into this song.  I could listen to this album all night, honestly.  “Don’t Know Why I Don’t” was another standout for me–it’s a mid-tempo, radio-friendly tune .  His voice put me in mind of a cross between Darius Rucker and Chris Young on this one.  “Let Me“-an uptempo, radi0-friendly song was another song I really enjoyed.   I loved “My Favorite“, too.

I honestly couldn’t find a weak song on this whole album and could listen to it several times over.  I could actually run down the entire list and tell you something positive about each track.  I think it has a great blend of songs–a lot of depth in the lyrics and it was well-produced.  This album would be a great addition to any music collection and I could listen to his voice all night.  In fact, I’ve already replayed the album twice tonight.  As tired as I am right now, I don’t want to stop the album from playing, it’s just that good!

With the success Numbers, Jason will <a
href=’http://www.financedegreeonline.org’>find he’ll need a finance degree online to count his earnings.

Rated 5 stars out of 5.

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